Blog 3: My favorite piece of technology

Hi everyone!

Today we are talking about technology :) I think my favorite piece of technology is my iPod. I use it all the time to listen to music and it's almost like a companion to me. I've had it since December 2021, I had a different one from 2013, but it died, so I had to replace it.  I always use it on the way to work, if I'm walking or taking the bus or the metro. It entertains me during long and tedious trips. I also use it when I go out on long walks throughout the city (I've walked to the Parque Bicentenario from Santiago) At home, I use it to read because it keeps me focused, which I know sounds weird because music usually distracts people. Something very weird is that I try to listen to a full album when I go on long trips or when I read. I love using my iPod and I recommend using it or a MP3 player because by using them you have more space on your cellphone :)

Now it's your turn!

Write about your favorite piece of technology


  • Why is this your favorite piece of technology?

  • How do you use it/What do you do with it?

  • How does it affect your life?

  • Would you recommend using it?

- 140 words minimum.
- Include a picture. 
- Comment on your teacher's post and 3 of your classmates’ blogs.


  1. I always missing my mp3!! An Ipod sounds like perfect company

  2. I recommend the EP "Blanco y nueve Mix" Soto Asa and Chico nuevo, good music to walk :)

  3. The Ipod is a good option to listen music!

  4. Always I wanted a Ipod when a was a child :(

  5. I always wanted an Ipod. Walk and listen to music it is a perfect combination

  6. listening to music while walking is the best!

  7. i pod is very good for listen to music

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. o: I haven't seen one for a long time, I recommend you listen to the music of Rubio.

  10. It is impressive how a piece of technology can be so important as to name it a life partner.



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