Blog 1: My autobiography

 i everyone!

Welcome to your first English blog! For the first post, the subject is autobiography.

Here is my autobiography as an example:

I was born in Santiago, Chile. My mother is from New York and my father is from Chile (I only met him once when I was a baby). I did a DNA test to see my ancestry and on my mother's side I am of Lithuanian and Polish Jewish descent and on my father's side I am of Spanish, Mapuche, and German decent. My mom, brother, and I moved to New York when I was 2 years old and lived there for a year. We then moved to Boston, where I lived for many years. I studied in two primary schools, Williams Elementary School and Brown Middle School. I studied in Newton South High School for secondary education.

I studied Latin American Literature for 3 years at Eckerd College in Florida and 1 year in the School of Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Chile. After that, I studied at the British-Chilean Institute of Culture to become an English teacher.

I did my internship at the Colegio Latinoamericano de Integración and worked 3 years in the School of Economics and Business at the University Diego Portales. 

I started working at the University of Chile in 2016 and currently I love it!

I live with my baby cat Idania, she is three years old we live in Ñuñoa since January 2022, before that I lived 8 years in Downtown Santiago. 

I love to read, listen to music, watch Netflix/Disney+, and hang out with friends. I speak Spanish, English, Portuguese, Italian, and currently I'm studying French :D

Now it's your turn!

For today, and as the first post of this semester, you have to write your auto biographies.

- Birth info
- Studies info (elementary/high school/ univ)
- Family Info
- Hobbies
- Others...

>Post a picture 
>Number of words: 120 (minimum)
> Make comments on three of your classmates posts and also leave a comment on the teacher's post.


  1. What a DNA ! I love the name of your Cat! She´s so lovely.

  2. wow! you are a multi-lingual speaker, that's admirable!

  3. I really love the photo, it looks like an autobiography too!!

  4. wow! good book and a cute cat, and also you are multi-lingual!! Fantastic

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. very awesome!, i like learn to lenguage

  7. Your cat is so cute, i have some one too. What is your favorite place of Boston? Did you visited the Museum of Fine Arts?

  8. Idania you cat is very beautiful 😍

  9. I love your cat. She´s so beautiful

  10. Her origin is very interesting!


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